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  • Formula For Success

    Formula For Success

    Sometimes, life feels like a puzzle where most of the pieces are scattered, and no matter how hard you try, something is just… off. Then suddenly, one key piece falls into place, and everything shifts. That’s exactly what happened with my brother.

    For a long time, he was working hard but not feeling fulfilled. Then, he joined my company. It wasn’t just a job change—it was a structural shift in his life. He got to work on something exciting, set his own schedule, go to the gym in the morning, and most importantly, he wasn’t trapped in draining work. The difference was huge. His mood, motivation, and even his social life improved.

    From the outside, it looked like everything just magically worked out. But it wasn’t magic. It was one key shift that unlocked everything else.

    Finding the One Missing Piece

    If you’re stuck, the real question is: What’s the missing piece for you? What’s that one shift that could make everything click?

    The answer is surprisingly simple: turn toward what you love.

    But there’s a catch. Loving something isn’t enough. You have to:

    1. Do it a lot. Not just as a hobby but as something you dedicate time and effort to.
    2. Get better at it. Push yourself. If you love drawing, don’t just doodle—learn new techniques. If you love marketing, study the best case studies and experiment. Improvement is key.
    3. Do it for yourself. There’s a different energy when you’re working toward your own growth rather than just fulfilling someone else’s goals.

    This is what changed things for my brother. It wasn’t just about joining my company. It was about aligning with something he was naturally good at (sales), doing it every day, improving, and doing it in a way that built something meaningful for himself.

    You Don’t Always Have to Start the Train—You Can Hop On

    One interesting realization is that you don’t always have to come up with your own grand vision. Sometimes, someone else’s train is already moving in the right direction, and if it excites you, you can hop on.

    AI was my thing—I had been obsessed with it, pushing my knowledge, finding the best ways to explain it to people. But when my brother saw what I was doing, it resonated with him. He recognized that this was something he could contribute to and grow with.

    The key is being in touch with yourself. If you chase things just because other people say they’re valuable—whether it’s a certain career, money, or status—you might find yourself stuck in a life that doesn’t actually fulfill you.

    The Formula for Getting Something Real Going

    To recap –

    1. Find what you love – something you can be genuinely excited about.
    2. Go deep – learn, practice, improve.
    3. Have your own path – you will tap into your inner energy

    It will naturally become valuable to someone. 

    This isn’t a shortcut. It takes time. In my case, it took two years of diving deep into AI. In my brother’s case, it was two years of fully committing to sales. But once you hit that point where your effort compounds, things take off.

    It’s not a complete formula for success, but it’s necessary and largely sufficient. If you do this, you’ll be in a strong position. If you don’t, things probably won’t click the way you want them to.